Hour Three

The two young brothers clumsily try to fish
Aimlessly throwing their fishing pole
In and out of the lake, disappointed
By each failed attempt

But, they try and try, and try again
Catching the attention of an old pro
Sitting on the other side
With his bucket full of victory

He calls the two young brothers over
And teaches them the proper way
To place their bait
Explaining, in depth, all the fishing tricks and tips

He even teaches them the language of this lake
Little does he know that he gave them much more
Than a fishing lesson under the sun
But, ultimately taught them how to father their future sons

A Tender Love Poem

Whisper -guide
Golden -glove
Touch -love
Erosion -finds
Depths beyond
Depths of highs
A Spark
White- doves
Two undress
Inside- One
Magic –Binds
Connection –Stillness
Release-Baby powder
Explodes –outwardly
Never before
Oh, my
Sound strength


3. Fishing


Something I would like to try

Never though before

But fishing must be fine


Go into deep ocean

Find a good spot

Be quiet don’t talk


Have the bait

Throw the line

Sit and wait


I don’t know

Must be excited to fill the pull

Or scary to be foul


Tell me fishers

Is something good to try?

Never though before

(Free Verse, 2015 @10:12)

The Roller Coaster Ride of a Fisherman (Poem 3/24)

On a calm, clear, crystal lake I sit waiting.

It’s quiet.

I wait for that one bit. That one tug.

That one burst of adrenaline that gets you going.

Reel it in, reel it in!

Tugging, yanking, holding on for dear life!

Here it comes!

The smallest fish you’ve ever seen.

Throw it back.

Waiting. Quiet. Hot.

A pull! A tug! A yank!

Adrenaline rushes all through my body again!

I grab for it!

The oldest and ugliest boot you ever saw.

To the garbage with that one.

Waiting. Will it ever happen. Quiet. Feeling defeated.

The pole moves a little.

A meek pull.

I gently reel it in.


The largest trout you’ve ever seen!

It’s all been worth it!

Keep it!


Hour One

Your first prompt is to write a poem set entirely underwater.**


Poseidon’s eyes, as sunken as the sea,
turn to me. Tridents line the underwater
corridor, leading to our palace. I smell the
stench of oil slickers from above, yachts and
cruise ships dumping thousands of pounds
of sewage into our home.

In his eyes, rage brews—hurricane iris. I
try to calm him, but typhoons are already
brewing in his heart. Creatures from the
deep are drawn up as energy is pulled into
the center. Before the sun sets, a mighty bellow
emerges, rippling tidal waves into the horizon.

No one can control the temper of a God—although
those land-walkers have sought such power for
millennia. So long as we breathe this oceanic air
will we command disasters to flow forth from
our domain. This is the nature of Poseidon and
Amphitrite—Aquatic Royalty.

Fallen Angel

A glance into the haze
Wings praise
White -display
Earth Face
Sage sprays
Silhouette Embrace
Within your stage




Hate. Such a vile word.
The feelings it derives are guttural.
As if I’ve contracted food poisoning.
I hate Peaches. Those
Fuzzy. Devilish fruits. Hanging
Ever so innocently from their trees.
Do not believe them. They are liars.
Their colours welcoming. Yet their
Innards strike a note of
Musky old socks with sugar and honey.
Plotting to ruin another day. Filling it with disgust. Why
Would anyone eat them? Tell me how
Something so beautiful shares the name.
For that, is beautiful. And the fruit. Well
Please burn it with fire.

hook, line and sink her

(a tanka)

she breathes best unspooled,
syllables spilled silver soft.
bait her with a phrase,
line cast out long and ready
into wordpools filled with stones.