
Good day everyone! I’m Melissa Seth Albornoz, a native from Philippines, and presently working here in the middle east as a housemaid.  My honour to be included as one of the participnts. I will be joining full time marathon. I love literature. I love reading and writing it on my own.

I came here not just to compete to other participants,

I came here to learn, enhance and develop my capability in writing,


Its not only writing,


my ability to arrange the letters on the air

to form a word

to touch one’s life.

I don’t have a house,


I have a home,

and I found it here..

in this –

“poetical world”

Where A-Z unites

and love each other

as they form a word.

A Year Older, A Year Wiser?

Back for my sophomore season in the Poetry Marathon but will be tackling just the half-marathon this year as it was really physically and mentally tough doing the full 24 last year. May the muse be with us all this weekend!

Introductory Post

Hi everyone! My name is Adiba and I’m from Ireland/Bangladesh. I’m currently spending a year in the UK in order to finish up an MA. I’ve been writing poetry for a good few years now but since I’ve been pretty distracted by my MA this year, I haven’t really written anything for a fair few months. I’m really excited to get back to it again! I’ll be doing the half marathon and I’m really looking forward to the coming weekend! 🙂

More about me

I just realized my first introduction didn’t say much about me biographically.  I have lived in southern California all my life.  I was born in Santa Monica in January 1954 and grew up in the west San Fernando Valley.  The Valley is where I live now, although I’ve resided as far away as San Diego and Orange County.  When I was 18 I became part of a crazy free nondenominational Christian church family, and that has been a major part of my life for over 40 years.  Looking forward to participating with all of you this coming weekend!

Introducing myself

I am James Victor Owens and I will be participating in the 24-hour poetry marathon.  Relatives and earlier friends know me as Jim, and most people who’ve met me since the early 1980s know me as Victor.  Both are fine.  I love the English language and word play, and have written all kinds of stuff through the years, although that’s never been how I kept a roof over my head.  I am looking forward to seeing what comes forth during those 24 hours.  I think a lot of it will be playful and fun, and some of it will express a deeper vision.  We’ll see what happens!

Hello everybody!

A very special THANK YOU for CAITLIN and JACOB JANS! Excitement is in the air. Writers from around the world, and at least one from a very small town in the middle of the state of Ohio! My name is Carl Mann everyone calls me The kurlman. I am a rank amateur, have no books nothing published. My biggest claim to fame finishing 12th out of 3556 entries in a poetry contest held by RHYME ZONE, this past year. I am 78 years of age, did not begin to write until early seventies. my serious writing started just two years ago, same time I got my first computer. A late bloomer, maybe but yes I do like to write. I belong to a writing group, they have helped me tremendously. They say I write folk art poems. I do write end line rhyme. Hopefully I will be standing at the end of 24 hours with 24 new poems, for my group to critique.Thanks for listening.

The kurlman

PS. if there’s anyone else in my age group let me here from you!


The Post on Sunday, 10 a.m.

First, the conflagration of multiple postings and passwords and screens–myriad circus rings, with Jacob and Caitlyn wearing their high hats, balanced upon the trumpeting elephant of last year’s performance, as the parade of introductions promises ‘astounding feats beyond the imagination’, death-defying acts beyond mere pen and ink.

Then, the multitude of participants; a population of word jockeys, all saddled and dissembling words and meanings, meanings and words, chomping at the bit, ready to race from the post, past the tittles, and pulling up only at the final jot, where victory roses never smelled so sweet as in the imagination of those who have never worn their wreath.

And then there is me. Beast of burden. Gray and worn. Plodding where the fodder is ample and the sun is warm. Where old bones–and memory–tread slowly, half-dazed, half-mad, with the tattered remnants of dreams dispatched by dragons and windmills.

The whole–the enormity of this many people all sure of the perfect word for the perfect sentiment–is overwhelming. I cower in the shadow of what they might accomplish. And what I will not.

But I am not here to race, only to complete the task I have set for myself. I wish myself only the right word at the write time in the right place.

To you all, I wish the roses.




In 2009, I went International, as a poet and won many trophies so, here is a small poem for you to taste or experience my work before this exciting Marathon. I am going for the 24hr deal. Cause I am either all in or walk away. I dig a challenge and the 24hr marathon gives this to me. Love to get to know all of you…


I can’t breathe
Inside this cold breeze
That passes bye
Because everything I do
Is “lie”
And Freeze up inside
For I hold No boundaries
When I can’t cry
It all traps me!


testing, testing, one, two, three

is this thing working as i think it should be?

i hope you can read this, i hope it comes through

 cause I’m excited to meet this whole writing crew 🙂

~Sarah Noelle~


Hello i guess my first post in this group wasn’t a real introduction so here goes. My name is Leo im from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I don’t really see myself as a poet or an author due to the fact that I just write, it started when my son was diagnosed with a disease and went through 3 brain surgeries, and I felt like I was holding it together the strog one, but people who know and love me saw right through it and at the request of a close friends that said you can’t keep all this bottled up you are depressed, always sad and no will to do anything, you need to let it out try writing or art or anything to get it out. With a bunch of doubt I tried it and I SUCKED big time but then I just sat down and let my insides spill out i wasnt trying to write I just wrote from within and people were saying wow who wrote that as they wipe away tears or smile and so it began. I have not ever  been published nor have I ever tried like I said I don’t see myself as a writer or poet or author and when I read my stuff I think no way I’m no where close to published works i did however have a blog i wrote all my work on. I struggle with structure and I rush to get things out sometimes I screw my punctuation up bad at times but I’m getting better. So this came across my screen on facebook and those same people are pushing me again saying things like don’t let your talent go to waste share it with the world so I don’t know if I’m doing this to shut them up or to see if people with real talent such as all you great poets think they are right. I guess we will see and I hope that all of us doing this will complete the challenge and im looking forward to reading your poems as well