
Greetings, fellow writers! What a pleasure it is to make your acquaintances and it is an honor to be counted among this year’s poetry marathoners. I think it is imperative to one’s happiness and success to challenge oneself and commit to the completion of a difficult task. For me, and I’m sure several of you, this marathon is exactly that type of challenge, one from which you will emerge a better person. As cliche as I’m sure that sounds, I assure you that my acknowledgement has birthed a style that has proven to be 100% Cliche-free, with no harsh dyes or Parabens. It is often difficult for writers to feel comfortable enough with submitting a piece of themselves to the world and allow their work to stand up to an audience’s response, or at least that has been the case in my experience. Anecdotal evidence has timelessly proven itself to be the best justification for many of the world’s greatest discoveries and advancements (never you mind the failures in this instance, as they are irrelevant to my point, and therefore, have been omitted), We, as a group of writers, must stand together as the voices of our times and act as testaments to our society. Alas, the moment is at hand, and I will rise above my digressions and land back on my original point. I am excited (and admittedly, slightly apprehensive) to embark on this shared journey. With that, I bid each of you adieu, and welcome you to freely comment below with any questions, concerns, suggestions, or if you are interested in purchasing counterfeit Prada purses and other high-end-like knock-off items, I would love to engage in great detail with you. Have a great day/night, and remember: This is a marathon people, not a competition, so do your very best, and remember to keep out of my way. Thank you.

That Subtle Phrasing

Late at night in desert gloom, the storm breaks.

There is no such thing as peace when Nature

rains down her passionate kiss to this dry earth.

The slithery serpent serpentines to his den,

the scorpion clawing at raindrops, vacantly

staring at the heavens with small black eyes.

I with child in arms, so much a child myself,

with eyes wide and heart pounding rapidly

watch as Nature outdoes herself.


Hello all, I am Sara Anderson. Pardon my off-the-cuff, it’s that time of night when the youth are restless and little else can entertain an idle mind. I look forward to posting up poetry in this marathon; though I may need help with the cocoa family(coffee and chocolate. Not that druggist third cousin, that’s a bit too much for any sane mind.)

So then, this is my salutations. Greetings one and all, all you beautiful people.

Maiden Voyage

Ahoy! I am new to the poetry marathon and hope to have smooth sailing.  To master the words of poetry, I need to be able to bridle my creativity and allow it to carry me where it may.

I fear my greatest obstacle will be ending the marathon without having resorted to the ramblings of the demented.  Time pressure is usually my best ally.  Focused, creative and dedicated to my passion of writing will be tested within the 24 hour clock.

Multidimensional person in a two-dimensional profile…

Not sure how to best describe myself here. I enjoy poetry and writing in general as way to take emotions and dynamic experiences and translate them into text. Trying to bring the full weight of language to convey the intricacies of a heart. I don’t use obscure words to sound smart, I just like the nuance of their meanings, or the way they sound, or even the look of amusement on a friend when they hear it. I also like the oxford comma. This is going to be a new challenge for me, but I am glad I was asked to participate. I am doing the full marathon. The biggest obstacle might just be allowing myself to share these feelings in this kind of public setting. Geronimo! xD


My name is Evelyn and I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. It’s not jut a hobby, it’s a necessity, a good way to keep myself balanced and essentially sane. I am definitely looking forward to this and looking forward to seeing how well I do.


Hello Fellow Half Marathoners (and Marathoners):

I really wanted to do the full marathon, but I cannot fathom staying up all night with all of my other responsibilities, namely work and family.

I currently blog at, a personal blog themed on the mistress–what owns you, and teach English Composition at the local community college.

Though I have been a writer for my professions in the past 25 years, I started writing for my passion only in the last year, beginning with my blog. I submitted my first work for publication–a poem–about six months ago and it was accepted. Since then, I have had several creative non-fiction essays and another poem published on various sites, blogs and journals.

I blog every day and try to post a poem or two a week so that I have raw material with which work and refine, perhaps for a book in the future. In the meantime, I love to write poems, a few of which are actually not bad 😉

I am really looking forward to this challenge–to squeeze the creative juices to their maximum–and to commune with others on this excursion.

I ran a few marathons with friends and made some long lasting memories. Hoping to do the same here.




Here I am.

Well, here I am. 

My name is Lisa, I am a mother of two wonderful boys. I have a darker sense of humor,  probably because I grew up reading Edgar Allen Poe and watching horror movies. I am an aspiring freelance writer and hope to get my foot in the door soon, even if I am a bad writer. I hope to finish the marathon and gain a better understanding of who I am and what I can achieve with my writing.
Thank you.

What the heck are you doing here!?

Greetings Earthlings

Okay so I am an earthling.

My names Dan.  Nice to meet all of you. I am from Texas but by no means conservative nor republican.

I used to call myself Daniel from Chicago, because that’s my mother’s home town, and still do from time to time.

I enjoy writing but am very gun shy about it.  When I was younger I had poems stolen from me on two separate occasions.  So showing off work is a very difficult process.

However, I am attempting to change that in many ways. I recently applied for a competition to be part of the Disney/ABC writing program. I may or may not get in but that doesn’t really matter.

I have allowed my shyness and mistrust to confine my creativity into a microscopic space. And now I am exploding, the epicenter of my own personal super nova.

I don’t know if my work will be enjoyed. I don’t know how far I must go until that day when I can cash that first check from my creative writing talents.

All I do know is that if I don’t try I’ll live with a regret that’s closer to death than the black plague.   I’ll be haunted, marked, to wander aimlessly from now till eternity.

I’d rather die trying then doing nothing at all.

Introduction to my life

Hello to everyone,

I have made several attempts to write, but I was never satisfied with the results.  However, once again I am sitting at my computer and attempting to put words on paper.  I am married.  Beth and I have three children and six grandchildren. I have been medically retired for twenty years and want to provide myself with a productive manner in which to spend my days.

Ted Rondeau


Hello marathoners,I’m poet Kofi Acquah.A young African poet and writer from Ghana-W/A..I’m partaking in the 12hrs marathon..