Time for Bed

Let me sleep beside you.
After all the work is done.
And the day has come to a close.
I think you want my company too.

Howling children are now sedate.
Our stomach full of good cooking.
Worn out from the day.
Longing for that sweet embrace.

I want drown in a thousand pillows.
The ones covering your bed.
Feel your heat radiating into me.
As I lay next to my hero.

Finally when our eyes close.
Our dreams are just waking moments.
I picture us together where-ever we are.
As I place kisses under your nose.

Hour 24–Sleep

My head is heavy truly

from sacrificing words

The spewing made me dizzy

Feeling untowards

I need a day, nay two

to find a new perspective

I’m presently inclined

toward horizontal restive

A pillow and my CPAP

are all that I require

Good night to all I say, I do

I’m ready to retire…








(Hour 24) 9.30-10.30pm — #37 “A flea in heaven”

fleas in heaven

i hope there’s fleas
in heaven

cos all dogs
have fleas

& if heaven
has no dogs

then heaven
is no place

i want to be


Well, thank dawg!

That last one was easy (careful, it’s deeper than it looks!) ((It’s not, it’s just an end point, huzzah!!))

The card above got the most number of hits, but no bingos sadly. I got 3 x 3 in a rows overall. A pretty sorry performance by many bingo-ers expectations. But I’m pleased enough. & so to bed … :P.

24. Sleeping



The most wonderful moment

Relax and forget about everything

No doubt about

The most important part of my day


Happy Dreams!!!

(Free Verse 2015)

Poem 24


the great escape

for the mind,



I dream of

faraway places,

people I love,

darkness, light,

words in my heart.

I dream the ultimate dream:

to be loved

wholly, completely.

Sleep one day

will be eternal.

But now it is


the dream state

the story board

for my heart,

my soul.


Eve Remillard


The Film Not Chosen

Known by so many names

Netflix queue of conundrums
Netflix choice purgatory
Netflix spiral of despair
The queue grows and grows
Then there comes a day

So many choices
Genres, actors, directors,
Reviews and synopses
Stories to be explored
Dialogues to be experienced

So much time spent scrolling assessing reading reflecting
4 stars 3 stars half stars
Well reviewed, well received
Known actors, known directors
Most popular trending tasty treat of a film

My finger hovers over the select option, but
Next to it, another film
Unassuming, similar in genre, style
Possibly concept
Yet less reviewed, barely viewed
Almost forgotten

Let’s see what happens
Press play
The queue will remain
but I will change
Each choice leads to another.


A long day’s journey

A long day’s night

My pillow awaits

Fluffed just right

A dream or two

Is calling my name

I imagine my writing

Won’t be the same

My head to mattress

My light snaps to dark

I am over this day

To dreams I embark

Goodnight you fair poets

You geniuses too

The ride has been gnarly

The poems have been too

Good night sweetest evening

I really had a ball

But someone will die

If my phone rings a call.





Spinning down in frailty

slowly spinning drain

or melting.

No time control

finger swirl

mind blown.

Gripping onto anything

quickly to the end

or fading.


“Do you feel confused, uprooted, at a loss-almost depressed but not quite?”

Sure always

Doesn’t everybody?

We play this game called life

You know-

Job, family, home

Creative frustration

Walking a fine line between

healthy and dead.

It’s a bad juggling act at an empty circus


Confused? Sure. No one told me

Most of what I should know

I found out the hard way

Once I figured it out

I find out I’m wrong


Been uprooted like trees after a tornado

Happened so many times

I can stand upside down


Lost? Never been found


And depression?

We dated for years

Depression is that bad relationship

That won’t give me back my key


Yes- life- good times there

Headaches, bosses

Dishes and unmatched silverware

Frolicking in laundry and car repair


Lucky I made it this far

Haven’t slit my wrists

or driven off a cliff


The body holds and the laundry piles up

Money problems and bouncing cell phones

Take your pills and water the plants

Feed the cat and mash the potatoes.

It’s all there.

Like a found wallet

You gotta look inside.

You hope for riches

You end up with dimes.



(First line taken from Finding your Way Home by Melody Beattie)



off to bed

color blasts of swirling stars
        deeper into the depths of unconsciousness
                    to a inky blackness of nothingness broken by
                           a voice from long ago, a scene reenacted over and
                                       over from a time when a small child would hide in
                                               closets from strange sounding women with high button shoes