Prompt 20, Hour 20

Because it’s probably very dark out right now for most of the participants, the prompt for this hour is to write a poem involving light of any kind, from the sun, to a lamp to a candle.

Prompt 19, Hour 19

This prompt is based on an idea from Danielle Wong.

Below are two images of a Siphonophore Apolemia. It is an animal that actually is made up of hundreds of animals that clone themselves; the scientists had thought that together they float around and wait to catch food, but they now know they are capable of hunting.

There’s an article about them if you want to learn more:

You can use this either as an image prompt, jumping off the image below to write a poem, or you can write about what it’s like to be one small part of something bigger.

Prompt 18, Hour 18

Write a narrative poem set during a holiday. It could be a poem based on your own lived experience or it could be an imagined event. A narrative poem is a poem that tells a story, but the story does not have to be compete, nor does it have to be told in a linear way.

Prompt 17, Hour 17

Write a poem about a form of technology that is obsolete or is headed that way. The technology could just be referred to in passing, like a telephone booth, or it could be a CD that is the focal point of the poem. The degree of focus on the obsolete technology is up to you.

Prompt 15, Hour 15

There are very few poems about air travel, even though there are a lot about driving, train travel, and subway commuting.

Your prompt this hour is to write a poem about a plane trip.

Prompt 14, Hour 14

In her wonderful book Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer writes — ‘In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.’

Use any part of this quote (with credit), or the ideas it contains as a jumping off point for your poem this hour.

If you have a hard time connecting with this quote here are two others, also by Robin Wall Kimmerer, to consider.

“The land knows you, even when you are lost.”

“This is really why I made my daughters learn to garden—so they would always have a mother to love them, long after I am gone.”

Prompt 13, Hour 13

Write a poem about a physical activity you do all the time. It could be something mundane and chore related, such as brushing your teeth or mowing the lawn, or it could be something you do for fun, or for your health, like running or swimming.

The poem can be about more than that physical activity, but it must start and end with it.

Congratulations Poetry Half Marathoners!

Congratulations Half Marathoners! I am so happy that you have completed 12 poems in 12 hours! That is wonderful. Thank you for joining us in this madness.

In the past I have personally verified that everyone who applied for a certificate was eligible and then I would make a certificate. That is not possible this year and so we will be operating on the honor system.

If you completed the Poetry Half Marathon please consider the following certificate yours, to update with your name, to print if you choose to do so. If you need any help altering the certificate please email me at

Click on the link below and download the edit ready certificate if you completed The Half Marathon. Congratulations again on your completion of The Half Marathon.

Here is a direct link to the image for editing.

The visual example of what the certificate will look like is right below this text.

Also remember that this year we will be putting together a 2020 Poetry Marathon Anthology.

Submissions will open July 6th and stay open till the 25th.

All submissions must include two poems, no more, no less. The subject line of all emails must be Poetry Submission. Poems must be included in the body of the email. The email address is But do not submit early! You must follow all the instructions below!

All poems submitted must be written during the 2020 Poetry marathon. All poems should be completely edited and contain no major grammatical errors.

The first word of every line should not have a capitalization unless it is intentional! Word has an auto caps feature that you can turn off by following the instructions below.

To turn off automatic capitalization, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Tools. | AutoCorrect Options.
  2. On the AutoCorrect tab, deselect the Capitalize First Letter Of Sentences check box, and click OK.

You must indicate which hour each poem was written in. Only poets who completed the whole or half marathon will be eligible to submit.

There is no guarantee that by submitting your poem will be selected although the goal is to include one poem by everyone who submits.

Digital copies will be made available for free to any contributor. Print copies will be available for a reasonable price and any money that is made from them will go towards covering the cost of the marathon.

Want to know what the 2019 Poetry Marathon Anthology was like? Pick up your copy here.

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