Poetry Marathon Participants

dohamonde -42 posts

A writer/artist living in the Pacific Northwest. I'm inspired by the textures – visual and sonic -- of words on the page, and off; and all sorts of visual art. I am grateful to be participating, again, in the Poetry Marathon! Thank you, Caitlin, and Jacob, for making this possible!

Linda Makkimane -41 posts

I am an Emotional Wellness Coach who is a poet first. Working with people to teach them to heal from within and seeing poetry everywhere - these are my passions.

Addy -41 posts

Recreation Therapist, Dramatic Arts Major

debrathewriter -41 posts

I love to write because it is a fun way for me to express myself. Writing is a great way to reveal the inner most thoughts of my heart and mind. I’ve written a few short stories and a book of poetry, but I am currently working on a children’s book series that focuses on building financial independence in a fun and practical way. My latest children’s book is entitled “Dollars With Sense,” and it is a continuation of my financial literacy efforts. Although I love writing, I also enjoy singing, writing songs and providing encouragement where ever I can. Although I am a visually impaired person, I have never allowed this to stop me from achieving my goals in life. I look forward to sharing, learning and growing even more during this marathon as I become a better writer during this experience.

sabinahadewole -40 posts

Sabinah Adewole is a member of the Barking Foxes poetry group, the National Poetic library UK, a member of the Society of Authors UK ,the Haiku Society of America and the Christian independent Publishing Agency -CIPA. Some of her poems appear in the Stripes magazine in 2021. she won the International Poetry contest in 2020. She also featured in the Havering daily mail and in the Write on magazine in 2020. She concluded this series on the 31st January 2021 and wrote every Saturday during the pandemic for one year writing her own story. About the Author I have been greatly inspired by the gift of poetry and writing. I was gifted the gift of poetry while sitting on a park bench in Gidea park in May 2018. I have continued to write daily and have created over 500 poems some Children books, Faith book and Adults inspiration and Transformation poetry. I would encourage you to look I have also co authored in four Anthologies and one Poetry Anthology this brought me into contact with coaches, publishers and a host of authors. I am grateful for those friendships and continue to work on building positive . I have six published books,three best sellers and four self published. Published books Journeys of Life Volume 1-3 A Childs Journey Through Poetry Vol 1-2 Journey of a Childs Faith Vol 1 A day on a Journey to Lakeside Shopping Mall Vol 1 Seven years of Bondage

karen -40 posts

Retired, living in the west U.S., enjoying life, have been completing the Half Marathon for a few years now.

haraselias -39 posts

Haras Shirley is a twenty-seven year old trans man from the Midwest. He currently works as a middle school English teacher. When he isn’t hard at work, he is an avid reader and writer. Haras also enjoys staying active and training with his German Shepherd, Tonks, or cuddling with his cats, Sev and Dobby. Haras graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelors degree in English Education. He has taken Andrea Gibson’s poetry course, Write Your Heart In, and four sessions of Megan Falley’s course, Poems that Don’t Suck, for community and enrichment.

anjum wasim dar -39 posts

migrant Pakistani.MA English Literature writing since 1980 Award Winner Poet of Merit USA 2000

jgershon1213 -38 posts

Love everything! Fear nothing. Four words to live by. I am living the art of knowing rather than believing. I have a college degree, but my passions have came from nature. My degree is in psychology, which suits me well because i enjoy researching and experimenting. I also know that our minds are our strongest muscles in our bodies. We are just a soul living in skin. I used to think, "I may not be where i want to be, but i'm going somewhere". Now, i think, "I am exactly where i should be, and everything is exactly how it should be". The only thing that has ever held me back from anything is a thought. Usually those thoughts came from fear. I made up my mind to leave no room for fear in my life. So now, all of my dreams are coming true. Its a pleasure to be here, and to write.

Hafeezah -38 posts

Hafeezah is a self-published author and community youth advocate. A third time returning Marathon participant, Hafeezah is the founder of Elevating Youth Consulting Services. Hafeezah’s work has been focused on supporting youth centered organizations in South Carolina.

oxmtch11 -38 posts

Ilupeju Ayokunnumi -38 posts

I'm from Nigeria. I had been writing since I was in Senior school. I became so engrossed in it due to a circumstance I passed through, now I have a true calling, lol. Started writing poems, afterward prose, and a bit of drama. However, I hope that one day, my words will reflect God's glory and inspire zillions of people. Amen!

Morgan Taylor -38 posts

A 53 year old semi-reformed wildman, I tend a public house in Fort Collins, Colorado. I'm a native of Central Nebraska and a former resident of North Central Kansas, Appalachian Maryland, urban New Jersey, and have been homeless in both Paris and Heidelberg. I've lived in Benedictine monastic communities in South Dakota and New Mexico. I'm a cook and a baker and a zen garden raker. I'm sin and confession, a lie and admission. I'm a damaged, half-century, half-blind, part-time desert rat with Sandhill roots. I create with words, paint, leather, steel, beads, groceries, rocks, whatever. I'll make metaphorical music upon your flesh if you'll allow it. Upon whatever my hands find themselves upon, if you don't. My love of poetry can be traced back to childhood but my ability to write it in a way that I consider acceptable is only about six years old. I have twice destroyed everything I've written up the conflagration point and I regret neither bonfire. Now I self-publish my own books and give them to friends as a way of not letting that happen again. I can't destroy what I don't own every copy of.

JohnnyG -38 posts

My first book of children's poetry is published, Whimsy Park: Poems for the Whole Family, under the pen name, Papa Green Bean. I'm a househusband, living in Bellingham, Washington-USA. Lived twelve years in Turkey, Italy and Belgium. A proponent of play-based learning, getting along with people is my greatest strength. Humor and respect is the key to life for me.

catfeather -38 posts

Cat lover. Member of Poetry for the Love of It.

Aayan -38 posts

Copyeditor by profession, aspiring writer, poet at heart.

acockyone -38 posts

Thirty year old college student in pursuit of something greater than the monotonous hegemony and socially enforced mediocrity that has been nearly systemic in its stitching of citizens into a quilted pattern of ignorance, intolerance, and greed. I am hoping that by the time I obtain my Degree, that my hunger for literature and my thirst for writing will have matured and developed into less of a beginner's hobby and more of a profitable, marketable commodity, instead. At this stage in my life, I realize that success is not defined by how talented you may see yourself as being, or even how talented you may actually be. For what good is talent if you never do anything with it? What difference does it make if, say, you are the best vocalist that has ever walked the Earth, if you've never let anyone else hear you sing? This then, is not just another preamble on just another social networking site, but something like the first few measures to my life's opus, so to speak. Here ends The Prologue.

meredithmcguire -38 posts

Writing mostly for my personal enjoyment in my blogs, in Quarter Crazy marathons, and on Medium, I find I write poetry mainly after heartbreaks and in difficult times. I am proud to have had two poems published in anthologies by Eber & Wein Publishing, to have participated in the 2017 Poetry Half-Marathon and to have been named a Best Poet of 2019 by Eber & Wein Publishing. I look forward to participating in the 2022 Poetry Marathon for the full marathon!

Stef -38 posts

SaskiaLynge -37 posts

Actress, Writer, Counselor, Life Coach, space geek, and lover of all things Star Wars and Doctor Who. I dream of living on Mars.

Adryn -37 posts

I like new creative challenges and sharing with creative, ambitious people. Hoping for more of that here. 🙂

Melanie Rademaker -37 posts

Poet. Whispers and roars. Writing to reduce the stigma of mental illness. Living in Cleveland but New Yorker at heart.

lindahallstrom -37 posts

When I was in fourth grade, I won a classroom essay contest. The prize was a pencil case. Since that day, writing has been a hobby, a career, and a passion. I spent most of my professional life as a journalist, newspaper columnist, and public relations specialist. In my semi-retirement years, I find joy in writing and teaching poetry.

MahimaGiri -37 posts

I live in Houston, TX. Poetry has been my language when it comes to expressing my thoughts artistically. It is a beautiful inner voice that speaks and culminates into words that weave the emotions together. I enjoy and experiment writing poems in various forms especially inspired by nature. You can find my work at www.allpoetry.com/MahimaGiri and also published in CLRI, Haiku Journal, The Taj Mahal Review, 50 Haikus, Molecule - a tiny lit mag.

SJHAWLEY -37 posts

brianhasson -37 posts

claycrane -37 posts

kcwolfe -37 posts

Just another semi-reluctant, and begrudgingly human artistic type residing in the toxic, yet inspirational air of Los Angeles. The creation of art and stories and music is what I've been put on this earth to do

please9 -37 posts

IT professional with a lifelong love of writing and research. I enjoy reading and writing poetry, sci-fi, fantasy and noir.

coffeywrites -37 posts

Hey everyone! I'm based in Rochester, NY. I've been writing my entire life, but have only been trying a serious go of it in the last year or so. My poetry has grown leaps and bounds just in that time, so I'm excited to keep progressing and see where it takes me.

Nevermore74 -37 posts

Stacey has always been a wisher, a dreamer, a poet... although she has had but short bursts of precious time to write in the last few years. She teaches at a Waldorf inspired Charter school in Central Wisconsin. When teaching through the core principles of Waldorf students are immersed in all aspects of art. Teachers also loop with their students which means she had has the same group of kiddos since they were first graders and they will all now be 8th graders this fall, almost time to let them go! But they have had an amazing journey! When not guiding children's hearts and minds, Stacey is the mother of five grown daughters and Meme to 10 wretched grandchildren that she adores! She has been with her partner, David, for ten years. They were middle school sweethearts that found the broken road back to each other after 20 some years!

Angel Pulliam -37 posts

I am currently a high school English teacher in Oklahoma. I have been writing as long as I can remember, and think this marathon will be a great way to push my writing.

James Featherstone -36 posts

nadinefrisk -36 posts

barzeusmolen -36 posts

Daryl Curnow -36 posts

Back for another year! Best wishes to all poets taking part.

vskypoetress -36 posts

Art, in its many forms, has been and remained my outlet in everyday life. I believe that art is the one true passage way for the soul to communicate with the rest of the world. Being an artist has introduced me to people, cultures, and experiences I would have never had otherwise. As you read any of my poetry, music, view my art or listen to any of my audio poems, I hope that you look and listen with an open spirit. If I'm able to paint a picture of any kind in your mind, that's what counts. June of 2013 I published my second poetry book entitled "One". In 2010, I wrote and recorded my first single, "Love is not for the weak" Back in 2008, I opened a small painting business "Custom Creations" Yes, I love the arts! As of right now, I am working on another book, a comedy actually! A real life look at the dating scene in your 30's. You definitely wont want to miss this one! I still run "Custom Creations" and I am a poetry junky and will never put the pen down!

DonnaWriter -36 posts

I have been writing poetry since age 11. Free verse, quatrains, sonnets, haiku. I also write short stories and I paint, mostly in oils. I used to be a teacher and I act onstage as much as I can. Every word is a small section of my existence.

jilowill -36 posts

Based in Atlanta, Georgia I will be participating in the 1/2 marathon this year for the third time.

dkt2010 -36 posts

Kathryn is an author and freelance writer, a self-proclaimed book nerd, and a lover of art and music. She tries to inspire through her writings. Join in the conversation at Facebook.com/trudeaubooks.

ManuDrama -36 posts

ladylazarus -36 posts

teakay -35 posts

36, been writing since I was 13. Shy, until I get to know you.

Billy -35 posts

I love lit(erary) games and challenges. Also find me on IG @backpack_files.

vrdannenberg -35 posts

acheairs -35 posts

Poet and novelist - Studied English Literature, Creative Writing, and Marketing/Management. Lives in Texas (USA)

garnetrose -35 posts

ramblewiter -34 posts

JaneDoe123456789 -33 posts

WRITING AND ME- My name is Rhyana and I love putting beautiful words together to create something beautiful. For me that is the definition of writing but poetry specifically. FUN FACTS- I can crack my ears and I really like narwhals. I am doing the half-marathon .

Patricia Harris -33 posts

Patricia Harris is a dreamer, crafter, gamer, and digital artist who loves creativity in life. A half-mad poet, her writing is found all over social media and various other websites. She is a devoted mom who can be found doing a variety of art when she isn’t penning poetry and writing words. She is owner of the indie publishing company Fae Corps publishing. Her collection of writings includes a memoir, children's books, and poetry. For more from Patricia, check out www.Facebook.com/mouseypoet or pattimouse.wordpress.com Her books are all listed on www.books2read.com/rl/PatriciaHarris

micjowi -33 posts

Amy C -32 posts

Who am I and why should you care? I hope that you can relate to my words, perhaps that is more important than telling you all the "whats" and "wheres" that are on my cv. I am human, I am a mother, an author, a physician, a person of faith. I have published a few poems, but I am not a professional poet, whatever that means. My favorite poet is Rolf Jacobsen. I like ancient poetry, such as Tong dynasty four character quatrains. I have a cat.

The Begging Poet -32 posts

A human bean who does wordsing on occasion, hailing from Northern British Columbia, writing on Wet'suwet'en territory, home of the Gidimt'en Clan. If using mobile, landscape works best for formatting!

debbiehainey -30 posts

I live in the Southwest. I dearly love writing poetry and haven't published anything yet but never give up. I'm working towards that goad now more than before. I love taking pics of my flowers and gardens and posting them along with my pics. I'm not complicated just simply enjoying life. Very excited for the challenge of this opportunity with the Half Day Marathon. Thank you

sundarwalker -30 posts

onewithebony -29 posts

martinagallegos -29 posts

I was born and raised in Mexico and came to the U. S. at fourteen. I attended U. S. schools through graduate level after a major stroke. I started writing after the stroke in 2012 and publishing one month before my Masters. I published my first book, Grab the Bull by the Horns, Outskitrts Press, January 2016.

seth -29 posts

Good day everyone! I'm Melissa Seth Albornoz, a native from Philippines, and presently working here in the middle east as a housemaid. I will be joining full time marathon. I love literature. I love reading and writing it on my own. I came here not just to compete to other participants, I came here to learn, enhance and develop my capability in writing, but, Its not only writing, but, my ability to arrange the letters on the air to form a word to touch one's life. I don't have a house, but, I have a home, and I found it here.. in this - "poetical world" Where A-Z unites and love each other as they form a word.

chuksoluigbo -29 posts

Susmita -29 posts

Susmita writes poetry, short fiction and creative nonfiction in English and Bengali. "Poetry in Pieces" (2018) is her first self-published chapbook and 'Himobaho Kotha Bole (When Glaciers Speak) is her first book of Bengali Poetry published by Kaurab (2019). Her recent English writings are forthcoming/ published from/in Geetanjali and Beyond, Indie Blu(e) Publishing, The New Amrita Bazar Patrika, Montauk, Plato's Caves online, and, Poetry and COVID. She is the Founding Editor-in-Chief and Poetry & Art Editor of The Pine Cone Review. www.thepineconereview.com She lives with her husband and their 6 and half year old son in Graz, Austria.

drgprakash -29 posts

I am 70 year old former pharma researcher with active interest in creative writing. Active in several Facebook platforms

mernel -29 posts

I'm a Foreign English Teacher from Thailand. I'd been writing poetry and short story for quite a while. I love poetry because of its magical effect in telling a story. This is my first poetry challenge. I am so excited and a little anxious because I was not able to pursue this passion for a long time.

Sandy McLellan -29 posts

sweetjeni -28 posts

badger -28 posts

Leonora Obed -28 posts

Jersey Girl fine artist and urban bard

AnanyaPanwar -28 posts

An opacarophile, selenophile, bibliophile, clinophile, and a logophile. "Books comfort like wild flowers and soft sunshine." Hello! Residing in Mumbai, India, I love writing about beautiful sunsets and mesmerizing dark nights. My poems have been published in school magazines and in the Vigilance Awareness Magazines published by BPCL and the Central Railways and the 2021 Poetry Marathon Anthology. My poems are often on nature and I fancy myself a romantic. Also, I am a proud second year participant in the (half) Poetry Marathon. Hoping to read wonderful poems and exercise my creative muse.

Nasi .S -28 posts

Poet and Novelist Linkedin: Nasiha, creative writer... Author at Live Dream Nasi and in Abdul and Friends production team, Student at Ar-Rahman Higher Secondary School, Find my books in Amazon,Flipcart,Notion Press,Smash Words,Amazon kindle and Bookbildr.

marthak -28 posts

Susan -28 posts

I live in the Palm Springs area with my 4 pound dog and 10 pound cat. I've been writing poetry on and off since my teenage years but hadn't written in a few years before this marathon.

Kofi Acquah -28 posts

Kofi Acquah is an Award-Winning Poet, Author, Spoken Word Artist and a Musician from Ghana. He has been featured in over 10 publications— including anthologies, magazines, journals and online literary portfolios.

cchurchill -28 posts

Hello everyone this is my first poetry marathon and I am super excited about it... I haven't been writing all that long but hope you enjoy my entries. I am from MI between Detroit and Flint. If you want to see more of my work you can check me out on Instagram @cc_writes.

AQ -27 posts

Happy New Day, New Afternoon, New Evening, New Night!! I've been writing poems and performing poetry for almost 20 years. I am also a writer too of various genres. A stay at home wife and mother to 5 amazing children. Living and loving life as I Am walking in my Soul's Purpose to complete and fulfill my Life's Mission. While helping, incouraging, inspiring, motivating, and teaching others to do the same. Peace In The Blood, Angelica Stevenson aka AQ (Poet Name)

nancyk -27 posts

I am a mom of 5, just left teaching middle school after 15 years, and tend to write more nonfiction than anything else. I just received a new puppy 2 days ago, so I have lost the ability to get much done.

estie05 -27 posts

I am working on my drama therapist certification, and utilize theatre and poetry among other artistic trades with elders suffering from memory care

msleah -27 posts

Leah Mueller is the author of ten prose and poetry books. Her work appears in Rattle, Midway Journal, Citron Review, The Spectacle, Miracle Monocle, Outlook Springs, Atticus Review, Your Impossible Voice, etc. It has also been featured in trees, shop windows in Scotland, poetry subscription boxes, and literary dispensers throughout the world. Her flash piece, "Land of Eternal Thirst" will appear in the 2022 edition of Sonder Press' "Best Small Fictions" anthology. Visit her website at www.leahmueller.org.

Double-AA-battery -27 posts

I am a 13 year old boy from India and I love writing poetry!!!I It's a funny story, how I started writing poems. I forgot to do my Homework one day and as a reprimand my English Teacher asked me to write a poem on Butterflies. I scribbled something in my notebook and turned it in to her. She loved it and went on to publish it in our school Annual Magazine. And that's how I got into poetry 😊😊😊

thekurlman -27 posts

lyricalsociologist -27 posts

I'm a not-so-mild-mannered college instructor by day and writer by night. I'm an ex-animal rescuer and a forever animal lover. Finally, I'm a progressive, portly, political, powerful, pale-faced, passionate purveyor of poetry and prose.

Chris -27 posts

Lansing, Michigan, USA The hair AND beard are quite real, a Renaissance Gentleman that still wears 'steel' both inside and out. I'm a poet by conscious choice. I like doing "Open Mics" and oral presentations. Poetry is an aural artform. I do bite, but not meanly - so if you care to look (I currently use the free-site writerscafe.org) - you are welcome to visit. There, I add those that ask to be friends and DO speak with them. Through the years I HAVE tried all common and most experimental formats, but I prefer 'freeverse' as my method of expression AND talking WITH rather than AT. My style - 'prose' interlaced with 'freeverse' is succinctly my own as are my views... but I do listen. Please comment on any of my 'works' however you want - shy I'm not, I've been a Poet for a long, long time.

peaflowertea -27 posts

Pea is always in a stage of transformation and believes when we think we've finally become who we are supposed to be, then the journey is at an end. She holds equivalency to a Masters in Graphic Illustration from private tutoring and is working towards an interdisciplinary Masters in Psychology and Creative Writing. She knit professionally for a decade and advocates for alternative arts as therapy for all. She is passionate about advocacy, an active member of the LGBTQ+ family, and aims to provide therapy for victims of sexual abuse in a unique and inclusive environment. Pea believes the current models for sexual health are exclusionary to a wide range of the LGBTQ+ family and intends to change the conversation about healthy sexuality through poetry and erotica.

critico -27 posts

bejeweledpoetry -27 posts

sunandashome -27 posts

Every mood of mine has a colour, traveller, reader, occasional writer and an absolute foodie.

Beth Fleisher -27 posts

nandiya -27 posts

Nandiya Nyx has ridden the elevator with Harry Belafonte and slept in the bed of a famous 1970s rock and roll icon (he wasn’t home at the time). She is a writer, photographer, and American Sign Language Interpreter. This is her third Marathon.

Jane and Friends -27 posts

agirlwithaquestion -27 posts

not much to say but heyyyy what's up...? creating a creative future for full time not just part-time. writing and drawing are the backbone and brain while photography and poetry are the breast and hips. enjoy the content!

jonesy1922 -27 posts

marty57 -26 posts

Alice -26 posts

SarahW -26 posts

Native New Englander living on the south coast of MA. Although always writing poems in my head, I need/value the structure of an exercise like this marathon to put them into tangible form. Besides, it's a lot of fun to read how others interpret any given prompt. And what a fine way to spend a half-day or more!!! Looking forward to meeting you and reading your words.

TheDayDreamingAuthor -26 posts

An 18-year-old writer who started at 14! Poems, Short Stories, and Fanfiction! I love when poems rhyme! Every poem I ever wrote has rhymes, haha!

Nicole -26 posts

Just me. Clinging to this spinning ball. Loving life and my family. Even when im not. I live on the Eastern shore of Maryland, its beautiful and completely another world from anywhere else on earth. I am a crafter, an artist, a writer and an all around creative soul. Too many interests and not enough focus most of the time.

jenniferprattwalter -26 posts

In this short bio, my every breath.

cbskala -26 posts

I am 20 years old, and I'm an author, a student, a poet, and a martial artist 🙂

deegee -26 posts

Chaotic sad nuerodivergent transmasculine queer boy who's work is mostly about reconnecting with my core self after a lifetime of masking and masquerading. More about feelings than form, but hoping to practice forms more through this!!

shanfordjeff -26 posts

young and yearning for a pen that creates the magic my mind makes.

anomalousresult -26 posts

I'm a technical writer with a massive financial company who blundered into the role through a series of lucky coincidences. But, I also write things that are non-technical, because procedures and processes are poor sustenance for the soul, and a wildly inappropriate place for reckless creativity.

tammy -26 posts

valley2 -26 posts

shrikaanth -26 posts

I am a doctor from India living in England. A trained vocalist and a composer in Indian Classical Music, I write in several languages. My haikai writings appear regularly in reputed journals and anthologies, and have won prizes. A former editor of Cattails (senryu), and former proofreader for journals Cattails and Skylark, I am now the Editor of Blithe Spirit, journal of the British Haiku Society.

Shaunton Taylor -26 posts

I LOVE writing poetry. It is my first and last thought of each day. I love cakes, pies, and chocolate. I think roller coasters are an awesome way to relieve tension and aggression. My favorite place to be is near watersides enjoying the sounds and beauty of nature. I value challenges, BUT I never want to be US president.

ladybird -26 posts

I've been writing since I was a young girl. I'm looking forward to the poetry marathon to engage in a challenge of producing a large body of work in a short period of time. In recent times I have developed the confidence to share my writing with friends and with their encouragement I'm venturing further a field to the public arena.

mary -26 posts

I live in Panama City, Panama (originally from Iowa, USA). Writing poems is my way to make sense of the world. I've worked/lived in Africa, Asia, Europe and Central America. I'm an avid bird watcher (even before the pandemic). Im also a dog lover - without a dog. Married 31 years with 3 adult children and many wonderful friends from around the world.

MaritzaMMejia -26 posts

A bilingual substitute teacher born in Colombia and live in Florida with my husband and our two teenagers. I published my memoir "Hazel Eyes" (2010, two FIVE Stars Bilingual Children Books: "Vanilla and Chocolate" (2012) and "Grandma's Treasure" (2014), and "Poems, Thoughts and More" (2015) by WRB Publishing. I write to inspire others to be a better person. I will prepare for half-marathon by setting up my workplace, preparing my favorite food (Italian) and getting familiar with Wordpress. Happy Marathon!

Kim Smart -26 posts

This is my third poetry marathon and I am looking forward to creating! The creative writing part of my life currently is fulfilled through clean western romances and women's fiction. Poetry was my first writing love and I continue to fuel that love in the creases of life. I envision producing a mixed collection of poems that roam from the gritty parts of life and love to the beauty and magnificence of nature, love, and God.

lepetitpoetry -26 posts

norabele -26 posts

afarmer -26 posts

natoraspen -26 posts

lakitagayden -26 posts

Chicago native Mother of two Gigi of one Stay at home Gigi for the moment Unpaid Artist of sorts

Laurel Wilson -26 posts

I'm a writer and an artist. I've been travelling for the last year among family and friends with my dog in an 18' RV. What an amazing adventure and perspective on all the recent changes! It's a scary time full of opportunity and growth. The Poetry Marathon is part of embodying that life of energetic commitment to artistic effort.

deko111 -26 posts

I have been writing poetry and prose since I was in my 20s. I have had many short stories published as well as a book of poetry, ASPHALT SOUNDS by Fore Angels Press: NY. I am active in many writing associations in New York and have been published nationally and in Canada and Croatia. Writing has come easy to me and has widened a journey of love and self awareness which I cherish. I look forward to begin this poetry journey.

EbonySB -26 posts

Author, Poet, Yogi and Blogtalk Radio Host. Writing is how I release, talking is how I heal, yoga is how I balance. From VA, looking forward to the 24hr marathon.

emilyland -26 posts

This is my first year doing the marathon. I am doing the full marathon.

gitabharath -26 posts

author details Gita Bharath has enjoyed five years of teaching middle school before starting on a banking career that lasted thirty four years. Now, happily retired, she focusses on writing and trying out kolam art. She has published six volumes of poetry. Her first book Svara contains three hundred poems, comprising narrative, humour,and philosophical verses. Her work has featured in international anthologies, and won prizes from Literoma, Asian Literary Society, Story Mirror, etc,

dianemurrayward -26 posts

Nancoise -26 posts

This is my fourth Poetry Marathon! This year my intention is to make more use of the excellent prompts.

The Bountiful Balcony Poet -26 posts

With an ear for poetry and a heart for readers, T. Haven Morse uses poetry as a vehicle for forging connections. And, as a side note, she loves to spend hours wandering in the woods of her 18-acre farmstead in the forest! "Not all those who wander are lost." - Tolkien

MaxineWiseWrites -26 posts

Living in Ottawa, Canada with my notebook close by at all times. Poetry focused on geography - the world and our relationships with it. Probably daydreaming about the beach. Obsessed with tea and cats.

Archana Kapoor Nagpal -26 posts

Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of four books – '14 Pearls of Inspiration', 'The Road to a Positive Life', ‘A Haiku Per Day’ and 'The Fragrance of a Beautiful Life'. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies - 'New Love: Anthology of Short Stories' and the ’12 Facets of a Crystal’. She has seen her short stories, poems and Haiku published in other anthologies as well – ‘A Pinch of Love, Peace and Humanity ’, ‘Atoms of Haiku’, and the ‘Ripples of Love’. She has also been actively involved in the editing, proofreading and book designing of these three anthologies. She has also seen her poems published in numerous other literary journals, blogs, websites and anthologies including Friday Gurgaon, Whispers, Writers Asylum, VerseWrights, The Bamboo Hut, Frogpond (Issue 37-2) – The Journal of the Haiku Society of America, Under the Basho, Asahi Haikuist Network, HOO-Knows Home & Family Magazine, Harvests of New Millennium (Art & Poetry), Gems (An Anthology of haiku, senryu and sedoka), Taj Mahal Review (An International Literary Journal ), Frameless Sky, Tamarind Magazine, A Hundred Gourds 4.1, DailyHaiga, brass bell: a haiku journal, UHTS (United Haiku and Tanka Society) Cattails, Tulip, Paper Wasp, Prune Juice (Journal of Senryu Kyoka & Haiga), Gnarled Oak, Faces and Places – Haiku Anthology, The Mustard Grain, Ershik #9, Modern Haiku (45:3 Issue), Issa’s Untidy Hut, hedgerow: a journal of small poems, NeverEnding Story (Butterfly Dream Haiku), Chrysanthemum 17 and many others. Her haiku and senryu are translated into Chinese, German and Russian as well.

Antonia -26 posts

ncroney -26 posts

Jade -26 posts

Nandhini -26 posts

My name is Nandhini G. Natarajan. This is my second marathon, the first was in 2012. Excited and nervous. Feel free to email me...

rootedphoenix -26 posts

I’m a mid forties poet from the Greater Austin Proper. We live in the suburbs of the Hill Country. I’m married 26 years to my best friend. And I’m a steward for my 16 year old daughter. I have a corgi with social anxiety. Instead of being a support dog for me, I am a support human for her. I also have 2 cats that will scratch me if I don’t mention them.

eve-mary -25 posts

Eve is a 5th grade teacher in Massachusetts. She has been writing poetry since she was seven. Mary, her daughter, is presently teaching English in Santiago, Chile. This year, Eve and Mary are teaming up as a mother-daughter team to share our love of words.

jondelb -25 posts

JessicaCruz -25 posts

afrose -25 posts

S Afrose, from Bangladesh.

eilidhstjohn -25 posts

Cameron Gilkes -25 posts

I am freelance writer and photography by nights and weekends. By day I work in the standard 9:00 to 5:00 world of corporate America. I have been writing poetry since I was able to put words on paper. My life and my hobbies all revolve around this love for words. Everyday I challenge myself on how I can do a little more with my passion for writing.

Darryl Commings -25 posts

Hey all! I'm an accountant by trade, doctoral candidate in ministry, borderline heretic minister by calling. I'm a husband, adoptive father, brother, cousin, and friend. And apparently...for at least one day...I'm a poet.

kaibo -25 posts

Thariyah Shah -25 posts

h-e-m-poetry -25 posts

I am a sixteen-year-old artist, author, and poet, striving to spread joy and connection through my God-given passion for poetry. I aim to create poetry that is touching and relatable to people from all walks of life. I hope you enjoy my work.

dreethestoryteller -25 posts

Ivan Bekaren -25 posts

An actor, singer - songwriter and poet who finds creating, performing and promoting art of all kinds for the beautification and advancement of human consciousness worthwhile. Through storytelling and the art forms, always looking to learn something new, enlighten, and entertain.

Meghana -25 posts

An English graduate who adores the diverse caprices of the language. I'm just on a journey to explore the world and try to find my true self, all through poetry. I enjoy reading, and in my spare time, I bake a tonne of sweetmeats.

presleytieman -25 posts

suhweewee -25 posts

My name is Sarena and I hope you're all as excited as I am to push through and complete this marathon! It's my first time participating in The Poetry Marathon or any poetry challenge really. A handful of friends, my lovely boyfriend and I will try and keep each other accountable throughout the full 24 hours of the challenge (along with some yummy snacks). As for my experience with the poetry scene, I casually write and enjoy this form of expression. I first started writing poetry with the encouragement of my Conflicts' professor, which soon snowballed into me becoming the host of the on-campus poetry show, Verse Come Verse Serve! My time during college solidified my love for poetry and I can't wait to see what comes next!

gloriajean -25 posts

Writer, Mother, Runner, Poet, Dreamer, Eternal Optimist, Relentless Thinker, Music Lover and #1 Fan of @_thederbygirls

susanstedman -25 posts

I started writing stories when i was 6 years old and it has remained my passion for 48 years now. My first public pieces were for my high school newspaper, then for our local county newspaper. I posted 35 stories & poems on a popular erotica website in the 90s, then exited that genre. In the last 8 years, i wrote essays for a ministry where i worked and produced all their literature. While there, I also led a monthly writer's group. All my life, i wrote for myself - as a form of therapy, I suppose. I have written dozens of novels over the years but never tried to publish any until last week when a persuasive friend talked me into doing it. As of today, I have 4 books published on Amazon. They make up a series that is part romance, part suspense with a teeny bit of Irish faery-magic mixed in. This is my first poetry marathon and I'm really looking forward to the challenge.

darialebedeva -25 posts

Benita Olika -25 posts

unexpectedpoet23 -25 posts

I go to a highschool in Tennessee. I am a sophomore now. I started writing at the beginning of my freshman year when I was at a hard time in life I was and still use it as a coping mechanism. But, I'm doing better. I am here because my mom found this website and I'm so glad she did I'm here to test my skills on different topics and the way I'm going to do that is to do it all. When I get something in my head I'm stubborn toward myself because I know I can do it. And doing this contest is going to make me have more and more self discipline toward myself. I have 70+ pages of poetry just from a year ago. I had more but I ended up losing them. But, I'm not to happy about that in myself that I did it. But, its okay I plan on writing so much more. And just this alone gives me 24 more poems. I am also willing to read poems but I'm not to great giving advice on them but the fact that I like them, they're amazing, or beautifully written. But, seriously I'm always willing to read anything. Anyway, I write what I feel, what others feel, what needs to be said, etc. Anyway, you're all beautiful and hope you have a great time reading my poetry.

Catherine -25 posts

Nerdy Torontonian with a writing hobby

Jan S -25 posts

I've lived in eastern North Carolina, U.S.A. for the past 19 years. My boys are grown, and I have one granddaughter and one (granddaughter) on the way! Life is good. I love to write, and photography is also something I engage in as often as I can.

Robert Nalagan -25 posts

I'm 35, starting my long and painful but rewarding career as a culinary arts professional. I'm doing the whole marathon. I'm going to attempt to post every hour but alas I work the swing shift at a restaurant.

sole95 -25 posts

Translator, Interpreter, Editor, Writer, World Traveler, Lover of fine art, Poetry, Music, Cuisine, Architecture, Interior Design and Interesting People.

Giles -25 posts

I am a blind poet living in south Wales, UK. I lost my sight 9 years ago, so have written poetry as both a sighted and blind poet. I've been writing since high school and have started taking it more seriously in the last 5 years. My debut pamphlet, Dressing Up, was published by Cinnamon Press earlier this year. I used to play piano and am trying to re-learn it now I'm blind. You can find me on Twitter at @Bix_cool

sophiag -25 posts

I am a Missionary to Central/South America. I have been writing for a very long time. I am currently on a 3 month long journey away from my family in Costa Rica, learning Spanish. I love the Lord very much and He inspires all that I write. Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." My life verse!

weliveaswedream -25 posts

Just a gal livin' in Santa Cruz. 2022 is my second half marathon!

DanielleM -25 posts

A former Journalist and Copy Writer from the Caribbean. Danielle is finally taking the plunge and sharing her secret passion with others. She is working on her first poetry book and hoping that she'll continue flying towards her dreams.

Bollimuntha -25 posts

I am an Indian, belongs to Telangana State. Published 15 books both in Telugu and English Language. Broadcasted Radio plays.

Jennifer Meneray -25 posts

philipv-coombs -25 posts

natiportlandian -25 posts

m-flintsuter -25 posts

lilla -25 posts

chepchumba -25 posts

Crystal Davis -25 posts

A modern troubadour trading 365 global experiences for words through Project Curious. Lover of honey tea and fan of odd socks, about to start a writing residency in Italy for July! I am taking on the full marathon, and look forward to the glories of sleep deprivation and intense creative immersion! You can find me at www.crystaldavis.com.au or on fb as CrystalDavisAuthor xx

tawnya -25 posts

sreela -25 posts

markpoet -25 posts

Onoruoiza Onuchi is a Corporate Communications Warhead, Lexical Hitman and an eclectic Wordsmith. He is a Nigerian based in Lagos, Nigeria.

givenqdaviswritesgmail-com -25 posts

jeckford -25 posts

chowilawu -25 posts

Expatriate living, working, and writing in Canada. Have been experiencing the lighter, brighter, and beautiful parts of life along with a few of its darker sides for a long time. I am more the semblance of a storyteller than a poet, but I love the genre in order to say certain things succinctly and with craftsmanship.

gmariec -25 posts

everybody a poet

ryne -25 posts

Merry -25 posts

Loved last year so I’m back for year 2 to do a 2nd 1/2 marathon. I’m a poetry fan from oz who is interested in how poetry as a medium is flexible enough to create beauty but also convey heartfelt tragedy.

Christina DiEdoardo -25 posts

I'm a criminal defense attorney and organized-crime historian who's looking forward to spreading her wings and doing more poetry. Can't wait for the marathon! 🙂

judyk -25 posts

imee12 -25 posts

Hi! I'm trying to get back into writing after having a baby six months ago! When I'm not hanging out with my little girl, I'm a software engineer. I'm excited to be a part of this poetry marathon.

bevc721 -25 posts

I am a retired elementary public school teacher, who taught 3rd and 4th grade for 34 years. I'm enjoying writing during my retirement years, as well as learning how to play the piano! My husband and I live in Kentucky, and we're enjoying our "empty nest". We both enjoy traveling, serving in our church, and gardening.

dolcevita -25 posts

Baker -25 posts

I am a young aspiring writer, who wants to restyle and revamp his writing. I am a serious adrenaline junkie and writing helps take my mind off doing death defying stunts and actions

sketchoflife -25 posts

davehirsh -25 posts

ismtheearthdisturber -25 posts

ZephieJade -25 posts

Ropa -25 posts


shreyasurajabcd -25 posts

Leo Bianco -25 posts

I started writing to get me through a hard time with my son's surgeries at the request of friends who said to try writing you can't keep it all bottled up inside and turns out I enjoy making people feel my words so I dabble every now and then, am i an author or poet? no i don't think so, have i been published? no other than my blog? am i a writer no I just write. why am i here? to see what real writers poets and authors think of my writing to see if maybe I am wrong and possibly I do fall into one of the categories that I have been thinking I'm not good enough to be in

elenaleejohnson -25 posts

dusty.grein -25 posts

Dusty Grein is an author, award-winning poet and graphics designer from Federal Way, Washington. He currently lives in the Pacific Northwest, where his 15 year old daughter is trying to raise him tight (with limited success). A contributing member of the Society of Classical Poets, he focuses on keeping the classic forms of meter and rhyme fresh and alive. When he is not busy writing, he donates a great deal of his time and graphics talent. In honor of his grandson Eddy, lost to SIDS at 13 weeks old, he creates free memorial images for bereaved families, with a special focus on infant and pregnancy loss. His blog, From Grandpa's Heart... is followed by fans around the world.

cindykarnitz -25 posts

I am writer and editor. I blog about food, family and philosophical notions when the climate dictates. I am published in fiction, non-fiction, poetry and as an editor. I work a day job in Aerospace. I have five kids, two grandkids and an extremely loving and supportive husband. I believe coffee should be its own FDA approved food group. http:\\www.cindykarnitz.com

danielzorn -25 posts

reuben -25 posts

I live in Sydney, Australia and populate my time with inspirations and fascinations. I'm currently studying literature and working as a cook but I spend most of my time reading, writing, playing chess or country music and asking myself if it's too late for coffee or too early for wine. The poetry marathon seems like a wonderful way to further distract myself from everyday affairs.

Aspen -25 posts

I am a SoCal-based visual artist with a BFA in Animation! I have a love for all things poetic and I love the interplay between poetry and illustration. I plan to release a chapbook this winter for the first time ever! My thesis for 2023 is Birds (and all their meanings to me!)

bowlerhatfox -25 posts

Writer and historian.

courtneyhype -25 posts

I would rather eat glass than write about myself. Bios will forever be my downfall. I *was* a poet once upon a time. Signed up for the marathon to prove to myself that I still got it. Baby steps to being myself again.

marathondaun -25 posts

Daun M. Wright, aka The Permissible Poet, Podcaster & Freelance Creative Writer. Daun pens poetry that speaks to the heart of our being, while allowing each reader to reflect on their life's journey. She resides in London, Ontario Canada

emitch -25 posts

Jersey Girl. Tough. Sweet. Smart. Unique.

Snigdha Shaw -25 posts

Snigdha Shaw is a Kolkata based Software Engineer by profession, following her passion as a blogger. Exploring different styles of writing, she has been writing poems since a very young age. Her poems have been published in various anthologies, International Journals and magazines. She aspires to excel in spoken word poetry. You may reach her at www.museofpoetry.com or follow her at Facebook/museofpoetry, Instagram/museofpoetry_

jlwright -25 posts

J. L. Wright is a fulltime RVer enjoying traveling the United States. J. L. wishes to start conversations about current issues through an artistic voice in poetry, photography, and graphic art. Recent publications include The Wire’s Dream Magazine, GNU Journal, Whatcom Watch, Solstice Magazine, and Peace Poets Anthology and chapbook.

El Berto -25 posts

tammyg -25 posts

sfalk09 -25 posts