This Year’s Marathon Winners!

I just spent the morning compiling the list of winners of the poetry marathon and half marathon. I’ve linked to the all of the participants pages below. Note, there may be a few names missing –– if you’re not on the list and should be, please let us know! (


The 2017 Poetry Marathon Winners

95 Poets successfully wrote 24 poems in 24 hours


The 2017 Poetry HALF Marathon Winners:

123 Poets Wrote Successfully Wrote 12 Poems



18 thoughts on “This Year’s Marathon Winners!

  1. Thank you so much Jacob! This is such an inspiring experience for me! I honor your passion and hard work in making this happen. You have created a beautiful community for us. Deep gratitude!

  2. I would like to send my love to those poets who were so ready and very much on board, but unable to participate or finish the full or half due to circumstances beyond their control. I feel your anguish and commend you for whatever you may have been able to submit. Never forget, there’s always next year! Warm regards my dears, and keep writing!

  3. I am not one to finish a project. My wife, my life can attest to that. However, in my one true love and expertise—early childhood and development from newborns to age 8—I have always completed my initiations. This was true of the Poetry Marathon. Although, I could only sign up for 12 poems in 12 hours—it tested my commitment and resolve. I did it! Now, I have gained confidence to achieve other unattainable goals…and I will directly because of Poetry Marathon. Thank You!

  4. During the marathon I was thrilled to be participating. It was invigorating! Being a night owl, it wasn’t especially hard for me to stay up all night and write, but it was fatiguing, and it was a new experience to be watching the clock the entire 12 hours. I didn’t do much of what I consider good work, but I wrote things I would never dreamed I could have written, about things I never would have written about. I consider that a big victory!

    Thank you so much, Caitlin and Jacob, for your hard work to pull this all together and make it such a pleasant and worthwhile experience for all of us. It was great fun, and I’m in for the full ride next year! –Kaye

  5. Thank you both for your creativity, organizational skills, motivation and stamina – I’m sure there’s lots more as well – this was fun and into the bargain, I read a LOT of truly fantastic work. Curious how to connect with folks outside of this space/going forward? Is there any connection/link between ‘friending’ someone here and say FB??? Appreciate your guidance to a newbie here. I’ll be back, you can be sure. With gratitude.

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